建党102周年寄语短句 (英文)


1. I wish our great party will continue to lead China towards a bright and prosperous future!

2. Let’s work together to build an even more glorious tomorrow for our party and our country.

3. On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the Communist Party of China, let’s redouble our efforts to make great accomplishments!

4. Long live our great party, the guardian and pioneer of the Chinese people’s cause!

5. Let us unite closely around the Party and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

6. The 102nd anniversary of the CPC is a time to celebrate, reflect, and look ahead with hope.

7. Happy 102nd anniversary to our beloved Communist Party of China! May it continue to lead us towards a better future.

8. As the country advances, our party becomes stronger and our people become more prosperous.

9. Let’s strive for the well-being of the country and the people, and the growth of the Party!

10. Let’s work hand in hand towards a brighter future for China and the Communist Party!

11. It is only with the leadership of the Communist Party that China has achieved all its accomplishments and glory.

12. The 102nd anniversary of the party is a milestone in the development of our great cause and a testament to the strength of our unity.

13. The Communist Party of China has led the country through its rapid growth and prosperity, and we continue to look up to it as a guide for our own success.

14. The Party is the backbone of our country, and its success is a reflection of our people’s strength and determination.

15. Happy birthday, dear Communist Party of China. Your steadfast leadership is the foundation of our progress and success.

16. China’s progress is inseparable from the leadership of the Party. Let us all work towards a better future under its guidance.

17. The Communist Party of China has always been the banner under which the people of China have marched forward.

18. Let us all unite under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and march towards a brighter future for our beloved homeland.

19. On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the Communist Party of China, let us rededicate ourselves to the great cause of the Party and the people.

20. The Party’s success is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the people of China. May we continue to work together towards new horizons.



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